Calling All Nurses – National Day of Action for Healthcare Providers


0112_cropped-72dpi-1The urgent problems you face every day go beyond politics – they’re matters of life and death for your patients and crucial to the future of the nursing community.

That’s why health care providers are going all in next week, stopping by Representatives’ hometown offices, making phones ring off the hook, and causing social media to erupt with the voices of nurses all across the country.

WHAT: National Day of Action for Healthcare Providers
WHEN: Monday, December 12
WHERE: Your Member of Congress’s hometown office

Sign up for the national day of action now and we’ll make sure you have all the information you need to be ready on Monday!

Come January, there will be big conversations about the future of healthcare on Capitol Hill. You’ve earned a seat at the table – and on Monday, you need to claim your place in the discussion.

Click here to commit to making an impact on Monday! Whatever you can do, help make sure nurses are heard on December 12.