Congress is Denying Your Right to Vet the New Health Care Legislation!


Republican House members just introduced their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

Their bill has been shrouded in secrecy despite the fact that they’ve had seven years to come up with a plan. In fact, when some lawmakers actually went hunting for the bill last week, they were told that it wasn’t ready yet.

Well, now it’s ready – but committee leaders are completely bucking the rules by not holding hearings on the bill.

That’s not acceptable. Health care is too important to leave the public – and nurses – out of the process.

We don’t have a moment to lose. Tell your U.S. representative right now: Congress must hold full hearings on this bill, and they must hear expert testimony from the people who see our health care system every day: Nurses like you.

This bill has the potential to dramatically change your life – as well as the lives of your patients. If Congress truly cares about improving healthcare for all Americans, they need to give this bill fair and open hearings, and they need to hear from nurses before moving forward.

No one outside of Republican members of the House have reviewed this bill yet – and so many questions need to be answered:

  • How will this impact coverage and access for those with pre-existing conditions, or total lifetime caps?
  • How will this affect access to insurance through subsidies and Medicaid expansion?
  • What new rules could impact how nurses provide care, and how hospitals and clinics are administered?

Congress must answer those questions and more – and absolutely cannot shut nurses out. Patients trust nurses to give them straight answers – and Congress needs to hear straight answers from nurses now more than ever.

Demand Congress hold fair and open hearings where they can hear from nurses like you before moving ahead on something so important. Send your message right away.

4 thoughts on “Congress is Denying Your Right to Vet the New Health Care Legislation!”

  1. i just wrote Rep David Schweikert from AZ 6th District and summarized the points you made as well as sharing my experience of 40 years being on both the receiving and giving end of budget cuts. The consequences of massive loss of coverage for patients and facilities is disastrous and both CNO’s and staff nurses suffer as tough decisions are made. Thank you for the updates – keep them coming, Colleen Hallberg, RN,MSN.

  2. A good healthcare plan for all American requires experts to review and advise. Our president said the revised plan was going to be great. Please allow nurse experts to help make it great.

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